What is the CVD Fund?
The "Cardiovascular Disease Fund" (CVD) has been designed to provide financial assistance for education, prevention and treatment initiatives regarding cardiovascular disease and related chronic illnesses affecting Cumberland County residents.
Who administers the Fund?
The Cumberland Health Care Foundation is responsible for the collection & receipting of all donations to the fund. The Foundation then provides access to the fund through prevention, education and treatment programs of the Nova Scotia Health Authority.
What is cardiovascular disease?
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common term used for a number of medical conditions that affect the heart and/or blood vessels. Examples include coronary artery disease or hardening of the arteries, coronary heart disease, and heart failure.
Identified risk factors which can be addressed during CVD prevention, education and treatment may include smoking, hypertension, diabetes, family history of heart disease, cholesterol and physical inactivity.
Where does it rank as a leading cause of death?
In 2012, the three leading causes of death in Canada were cancer, heart disease, and stroke (Statistics Canada). These three causes of death were responsible for 55% of all deaths in Canada in 2012.
Does the CVD Fund give money to research?
No. The CVD Fund focuses primarily on the provision of prevention, education and treatment programs for cardiovascular disease in Cumberland County.
Who decides on what can be funded?
All funding requests are submitted in writing to the Cumberland Health Care Foundation. Prior to granting, the request is reviewed by the Nova Scotia Health Authority to ensure that it is in alignment with the approved education, prevention and treatment programs that it administers.
What are examples of what can be funded?
Examples of items that could be funded include the costs involved with education and prevention sessions (printed materials, rental, hosting costs, etc.). Funds may also help with providing specialized equipment, programming, and materials involved with diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. All donations are used solely for local initiatives in Cumberland County.
How do I know if my donation is making a difference?
Every dollar donated can help to maintain and potentially expand education, prevention and treatment programs related to cardiovascular disease.
Helping others to help themselves through education, prevention, and treatment initiatives can potentially reduce the incidences of cardiovascular disease in our local communities while improving the quality of life for persons with CVD and their families.